Tubi saldati in acciaio al carbonio: nuovi listini e parità di trasporto giugno/2022

Marcegaglia Carbon Steel tube division has realized the new 2022/June price lists and freight costs for carbon steel welded tubes from black, pickled, polished and galvanized strips.
They are effective starting from Monday 13 June 2022.

The remodeling takes into account the recent updates of the prices of raw materials in the various product variations (black, pickled, polished and galvanized).

The freight costs were also updated according to the epochal changes in the logistics system and the related cost increases in euro/ton.

The documents are available here.

Cold-formed welded tubes from hot-rolled strip – PDF
Cold-formed welded tubes from cold-rolled strip – PDF
General conditions of sale – PDF

For further information:
Marcegaglia Carbon Steel – divisione tubi
+39 . 0376 685 297